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Exercises/ Quizzes Ecce Romani 42 - 44 and Review 5
Latin Year 10
Grammar & Syntax
Topic 2
Verbs - match to meanings #2 - Active, Passive, D...
Verbs - match to meanings #2 - Active, Passive, Deponent, any tense (jigsaw)
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◄ Verbs - match to meanings #1 - Active, Passive, Deponent, any tense (jigsaw)
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Verbs - is it Indicative or Subjunctive? #1 (multiple choice)
Verbs - is it Indicative or Subjunctive #2 [inc Passives and Deponents] (multiple choice)
Verbs - is it Indicative or Subjunctive #3 [Irregular Verbs] (multiple choice)
Using the Subjunctive in sentences with 'cum' and 'question words'
Participles - match to meanings, all tenses, all cases (jigsaw)
Ablative Absolute Phrases - match to meaning #1
Ablative Absolute Phrases - match to meaning #2
Participles- which translation is correct? (multiple choice)
Present Participle - which noun is it describing? (multiple choice)
Who is doing what? - match participles to nouns (multiple choice)
Past Participles Passive & Deponent - which noun is it describing? (multiple choice)
Key Vocabulary Stories 42 to 44 - Self Test #1
Key Vocabulary Stories 42 to 44 - Self Test #2
Verbs - match to meanings #1 - Active, Passive, Deponent, any tense (jigsaw)
Relative Pronouns - qui, quae, quod - fill the gaps
Demonstrative Adjectives - Is, Hic, Ille - match to nouns
Participles - Identify the Tense (multiple choice)
Verbs - is it Indicative or Subjunctive? (multiple choice)
Verbs - is it Deponent or Passive? (multiple choice)
Nouns - what case is it? (multiple choice)
Infinitives - what tense is it? (multiple choice)
Relative Pronouns - qui, quae, quod - fill the gaps ►