This section contains resources and lessons from both the Human and Physical topic areas of the new Geography A Level.

This lesson considers the international relationships between various political systems, looks at global commons and has a focus on Antarctica.

This topic looks at our perception of Place and helps students to develop a sense of place. Our case studies included Brentwood and Scarborough.

This topic considers the many aspects of how people live with their environment, thus spatial patterns are considered, along with food, health, soils and migration.

This course explores the complex systems within Water & Carbon. It is a core module within Geography. The topic will cover how water moves around a system, the key areas of water storage and the carbon cycle, use of carbon and aims to move to more sustainable use. 

Coastal Systems and Landscapes is part of the new A Level AQA Specification and provides an in depth look at the way we live, work and use the coast. We will study the UK and the wider world to gain a global perspective on the coastal margin. 

This course explores the idea of a hazard, peoples risk and vulnerability and explore the Park Management Model. Students will then study a range of hazards from seismic hazards, to climatological hazards, to wildfires. We will explore a variety of case studies throughout, and finally examine  multi-hazard environments.

This course is designed to act as an enrichment activity to support your Physical Geography course. It is aimed at students currently undertaking the  Geography A Level at CCHS. It isn't compulsory, but it will add to and further your Geographical Understanding as there are broad links to Water & Carbon Cycles and specific links to Coastal Landscapes. 

This course provides resources and guidance from AQA designed to support students through their NEA

This course provides students studying the Physical part of the A Level with an opportunity for enrichment and further study. The list supplements and supports the course. For students ease it is broadly divided into topics, however many of these will cover several topic areas.

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