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Exercises/ Quizzes Ecce Romani 52 - 54 & Review 7
Latin Year 10
Grammar & Syntax
Topic 2
Verbs - is it a Result or a Purpose Clause (multip...
Verbs - is it a Result or a Purpose Clause (multiple choice)
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◄ Purpose Clauses - form the Imperfect Subjunctive
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Making Participles and Adjectives agree with Nouns
Practising Personal Pronouns - 'ego', 'tu', 'nos', 'vos', 'se'
Making Possessive Adjectives ('meus', 'tuus', 'noster', 'vester', 'suus') agree with nouns
Time Phrases - match to meanings (jigsaw)
Verbs Regular, Active & Passive - match to meanings (jigsaw)
Verbs, Irregulars & Deponents - match to meanings (jigsaw)
Three degrees of Adjectives and Adverbs - match to meanings #1 (drag and drop)
Three degrees of Adjectives and Adverbs - match to meanings #2 (drag and drop)
Is it a Noun, is it a Verb? (multiple choice)
Is it an Infinitive or an Imperative? (multiple choice)
Purpose Clauses - form the Imperfect Subjunctive
Different Ways of Translating UT
Different Uses of CUM
Different Ways of Translating UT ►