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Exercises/Quizzes Ecce Romani 28 - 32
Latin Year 10
Grammar & Syntax
ER 28to32
Regular Verbs ~ All Tenses (match to meanings)
Regular Verbs ~ All Tenses (match to meanings)
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◄ Regular Verbs ~ Pluperfect Tense (match to meanings)
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Identify Noun Groups (identify if group 1, 2 or 3)
Nouns - What Case? (choose correct case and number)
Nouns - Groups 4 and 5 (form the correct case to complete the sentence)
Demonstrative Adjectives ~ hic & ille #1 (match to given nouns)
Demonstrative Adjectives ~ hic & ille #2 (match to given nouns)
Regular Verbs ~ Future Tense (match to meanings)
Regular Verbs ~ Pluperfect Tense (match to meanings)
Irregular Verbs ~ Present and Imperfect (match to meanings)
Irregular Verbs ~ Present, Imperfect & Perfect (match to meanings)
Irregular Verbs ~ Future Tense (match to meanings)
Verbs ~ Perfect or Pluperfect (match to meanings)
Verbs ~ Present or Future (match to meanings)
Verbs ~ Infinitive or Imperative (match to meanings)
Verbs ~ Principal Parts #1 (complete the line)
Verbs ~ Principal Parts #2 (complete the line)
Is it a verb, is it a noun (make a choice)
Personal Pronouns, Possessive Adjectives, Reflexives #1 (choose one of three)
Personal Pronouns, Possessive Adjectives, Reflexives #2 (make the appropriate form)
noun info
noun reference
Practice Relative Pronouns - who, what, whom, whose etc. - in English
qui, quae, quod - Relative Pronouns #1: connect nouns and pronouns
qui, quae, quod - Relative Pronouns #2: give the correct form (translated sentences)
qui, quae, quod - Relative Pronouns #3: give the correct form in Latin (English given)
qui, quae, quod - Relative Pronouns #4: give the correct form (translated sentences)
qui, quae, quod - Relative Pronouns #5: join two short sentences with a relative pronoun (multiple choice)
Practice Actives and Passives in English
Active or Passive - Present Tense #1: match verbs to meanings (jigsaw)
Active or Passive - Present Tense #2: match verb to meaning (jigsaw)
Active or Passive - Present or Imperfect Tense #1: match verb to meaning (jigsaw)
Active or Passive - Present and Imperfect Tense #2: match verb to meaning (jigsaw)
Crossword - Passives - form Present, Imperfect and Future
Passives - Match to Meaning - Present, Imperfect and Future #1
Passives - match to meaning - Present, Imperfect and Future #2
Practice in English for changing Active to Passive and vice versa
Verbs -Identify Tense - Present, Future, Imperfect #1 (multiple choice)
Verbs -Identify Tense - Present, Future, Imperfect #2 (multiple choice)
Passives, Present and Imperfect ~ construct them from two elements #1
Passives, Present and Imperfect ~ construct them from two elements #2
IS and ILLE: match to nouns
IS and ILLE: substitute for nouns - Demonstrative Pronouns
IS and ILLE: Identify Case, Gender and Number (jigsaw)
Present Infinitives - Active or Passive? match verb to meaning (jigsaw)
Ablative Case - identify different uses
Key Vocabularies - Stories 28 to 31 - Self Test #1
Key Vocabularies - Stories 28 to 31 - Self Test#2
Verbs - Active/Passive, Perfect/Pluperfect - match to meaning #1
Verbs Active/Passive, Perfect/Pluperfect - match to meanings #2
Verbs Active/Passive, Perfect/Pluperfect - match to meanings #3 (jigsaw)
Verbs Active/Passive, all tenses - match to meanings #1 (jigsaw)
Verbs Active/Passive, all tenses - match to meanings #2
Perfect and Pluperfect Passives - choose the correct form #1 (multiple choice)
Perfect and Pluperfect Passives - choose the correct form #2 (multiple choice)
Verbs - Principal Parts - supply the missing bit
Adjectives - making them agree with nouns
Irregular Verbs - all tenses - match to meaning (jigsaw)
Prepositional Phrases (preposition + noun) - match to meaning (jigsaw)
Verbs - is it Active, is it Passive? (multiple choice)
Verbs - is it Present, is it Future? (multiple choice)
Nouns - what case is it? (multiple choice)
HIC, IS, ILLE - match to nouns (multiple choice)
Verbs: Perfect Passives - match to meanings
Verbs Perfect/ Pluperfect Passives - match to meanings #1
Verbs Perfect/Pluperfect Passives - match to meanings #2 (jigsaw)
Verbs Perfect Passives - match verbs to subjects (multiple choice)
Verbs Perfects Active/Passive - give Active or Passive equivalent
Verbs Active/Passive - give Active or Passive equivalents
Verbs Past Participles Passive - match to meanings (jigsaw)
Verbs Past Participles Passive - make them agree with a noun (Nominative)
Verbs Past Participles Passive - make them agree with a noun (all cases)
Ablative -using the Ablative with Passive Verbs
Irregular Verbs ~ Present and Imperfect (match to meanings) ►